Dijkstra's Algorithm


Everyone wants to reach the destination as fast as possible – Anonymous


Prerequisites of the Experiment

This experiment requires you to have basic knowledge about :

  • Basic knowledge of graphs (data structure)
  • Familiarity with data structures such as queues and priority queues.
  • Calculation of basic time and space complexity.
  • Intuition about the Greedy Choice Algorithms
  • Knowledge about Graph Traversal Algorithms
  • And above all, a curiosity to learn and explore..!

Click on the above links for a short video elaborating each of the concepts.

Overview of the Experiment

  • The aim of this experiment is to understand the Dijkstra’s Shortest Path algorithm, its time and space complexity, and how it compares against other shortest path algorithms.
  • The experiment features a series of modules with video lectures,interactive demonstrations, simulations, hands-on practice exercises and quizzes to self analyze.

Experiment Modules and their Weightage

Module Weightage Expectation
Pre-test 5% Solve All Questions
Shortest Path Algorithms 15% Answer the Conceptual questions
The Dijkstra Algorithm 30% Try all operations with atleast two examples
Applications 25% Applying the concept to solve a problem
Post-assessment 25% Solve All Questions